About Our Band

Since 1952 the South Shore Band has offered a place for amateur and professional musicians to continue playing. Members span all age groups, many of them being very talented musicians. Often, people will join us after many years of having tucked their instrument away in the attic – and after some “spark” has caused them to gain renewed interest in playing once again.  Professional musicians also find our community band and excellent way to continue to tune their chart reading skills. We do ask that you have fundamental performance skills before joining.

Membership is free; we charge no dues. All members are volunteers, including those members elected to leadership positions within the Band. All we ask for is your commitment to participate once you join.

The Band is an independent not for profit group qualified under IRS Code 501(c)(3).

We are financially self funded – earning income necessary to pay our operating expenses through certain performance fees, some outdoor concert income, individual donations, and through modestly priced ticket sales to our annual holiday concert in December. Periodically we've been grateful to receive various grants which have been both project specific and general operating supportive in nature.

Our operating expenses include rehearsal hall usage, music, uniforms, insurance, equipment maintenance & supplies, certain grants and awards, rehearsal refreshment costs, performance license fees, and other member benefit expenses. An annual operating budget is adopted each year, monitored & reported via periodic membership meetings which all members are encouraged to attend.

© 2003 South Shore Band. All Rights Reserved.